- What is Implanon®?
Implanon® is a form of contraception which is suitable for women of all ages, particularly young women and breast feeding mothers. It is a hormone releasing implant which is inserted under the skin of the inner side of your upper arm. It is about the size of a matchstick and contains the hormone etonogestrel. - How effective is Implanon®?
Implanon® is the most effective reversible method of contraception available, being more than 99.9% effective in preventing pregnancy. - How does Implanon work?
Implanon® works by preventing the body from releasing an egg each month and also thickens the mucus in the cervix. - How long does it take to insert?
Insertion of Implanon® is a quick and simple procedure done by a doctor who has been trained in the technique, usually taking around 20-30 minutes. First, a local anaesthetic is injected in the insertion site to prevent discomfort, and once this has numbed the area, the doctor will then insert the device under the skin. You may experience some soreness at the implant site once the anaesthetic wears off and there may be some bruising, but this should settle within a few days. Review is arranged for about 6-8 weeks after insertion. - What if I want my Implanon® device removed?
Removal of Implanon® is a straight forward procedure performed by our doctors and should result in minimal scarring at the insertion site. - How to I make an appointment to have Implanon inserted?
Having an Implanon® inserted involves attending two appointments, the first to assess whether it is the right contraception choice for you and another for the insertion procedure. Please book an initial consultation with the doctor of your choice and advise the reception staff that the consultation is regarding Implanon. After your assessment consultation, make an appointment for the Implanon insertion with both your doctor and the practice nurse. Have the prescription filled at the pharmacy and bring the Implanon device with you to the appointment. You may find it beneficial to take a dose of either ibuprofen or paracetamol prior to your arrival at the clinic. Please make sure you have eaten recently and are well hydrated. - What are the fees involved?
The fee schedule for Implanon insertion and/or removal can be found here.
For more information on Implanon, please visit: