Women & Men’s Health Bentleigh East
Women’s and Men’s Health Checks at Mackie Road involve an overall health assessment that will enable you and your doctor to identify any current or potential health problems. This type of consultation will require a 30 minute time slot to enable your doctor to work through your medical history.
Men’s Health:
Men’ s Health checks involve the prevention and early detection of common medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart and vascular disease, stress, skin checks, weight management, diabetes and cancers. Other health issues such as prostate problems, erectile dysfunction and mental health illnesses including depression may also be addressed.
Women’s Health:
The doctors at Mackie Road Clinic are dedicated to providing advice on all aspects of women’s health including contraceptive advice and options, preventative health care, pap smears, breast checks and mammograms. You are also invited to explore other lifestyle and medical checks including:
– Eye and ear checks
– Menopause
– Sleep
– Skin check
– Mood disorders or symptoms of anxiety and depression
– Other preventative health measures such as blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes checks
We recommend that women over the age of 18 attend a Women’s health check every two years.
How to book it?
Advise our receptionists when you telephone for an appointment that you would like to book in for a Women’s or Men’s Health Check. They will allocate you a 30 min (long) consultation
How much will it cost?
A Womens or Men’s Health Check appointment will take up to 30 minutes, and the fee is the same as a standard 30m appointment which can be found here.
Regular Health Assessments (we recommend every two years) will help you stay healthy and will pick up early warning signs of disease or illness. Many diseases such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes and some cancers can be picked up in their early stages when treatment is often more effective.